Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tobacco Industry's Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Tobacco Industry's Issues - Essay Example Not only can you find people facing several health issues but other problems are also associated with tobacco cultivation. For instance, child labor is the only small problem associated with it.      When you will delve more into the details pertaining to the tobacco industry, you will find that the majority of tobacco workers are migrant workers.   Although often gone unnoticed by consumers, those engaged in the growth and preparation of tobacco and tobacco-related products are often exposed to many health hazards.   Because tobacco is a global industry, tobacco workers all over the world are exposed to such risks.Tobacco products: cigarettes, cigars, snuff, and chewing tobacco, are well known to pose a serious environmental health threat both to consumers themselves and, in the case of secondhand smoke, to the people around them.   Today, vigorous tobacco control activity around the world focuses on curbing tobacco use and, thus, its health effects on consumers.   But the tobacco workers who labor to bring the plant to market face another range of environmental health risks.   Also, most of the labor laws don’t really affect these people because most of them l ive in developing countries where they work on their own family farms. However, it is interesting to note that in the United States, the federal government historically has encouraged tobacco agriculture.   The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) tobacco price support program sets an annual national quota restricting the amount of tobacco that can be grown to that estimated to meet annual domestic and export demand.   For those farmers who hold quota allotments, this policy and an accompanying federal loan program keep market prices artificially high.   Quotas can be leased and traded, and in recent years this has resulted in the concentration of quota allotments in fewer hands, creating some large-scale nonfamily farming operations.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Victim Rights Person

Victim Rights Person Victims Rights Introduction A victim is a person who has received injuries whether physical or emotionally when a crime is committed. This will include people who are physical assaulted, kidnapped, sexual assaulted, involved in domestic violence, a child abuse, a person at a motor vehicle accident or incident where a crime occurs, or get injured emotionally by witnessing this incidents. They can also be injured by another crime committed for example homicide, robbery or robbery with violence. A person who is victimized is also faced with psychologically problems he/she may lose clear line of thinking and becomes overwhelmed. In most cases the victim loses money or may be injured. The worst of all is the emotional pain that the victim undergoes. The victimized close relatives and friends can also suffer both psychologically and emotionally. It was also noted that, stress, fear, anxiety and a lot of tension is experienced by family members. The rights of the victim is an old issue that dates back since time of independence, In words for senator Feinstein, he points out that at the time of constitutions adoption, they was a few public prosecutors and crime victims were taken as parties and had to represent themselves. The founders of the nation did not have special protections given to the criminal victims. They did not foresee the modern ways where a public prosecutor acts independent of the crime victim. Nevertheless, as time passed changes in the criminal law occurred and victims had to be respected and given their rights. Accordingly, the public support also was awakened and victims rights protections become a public issue. This was witnessed in Maryland in 1994 when voters voted for state constitutional amendments that protects the right of the victim. The amendment passed by 92 percent of the total vote. This set the trend in many states as 33 states have various constitutional amendments that seek to protect victi ms. Currently all the 50 states at least have some kind of victims rights measures on the court level. As per statistics given by the department of justice, over 5 million violent crimes occur in America per year. This number is so big and human rights activists and politicians have for over 20 years been campaigning for these victims rights in the way the criminal justices process are carried on. Some of the rights they seek are: Victims should have a right to receive a public notice of events related to his criminal prosecution; this can be bail hearing date, the trial date, the sentencing date or even a parole hearing date. Victims should have a right to be present and hear the courts proceedings during their cases. They should also be heard during this process. The victims should have a right to be notified in case the criminal who victimized the victim is released on parole or he/she makes an escape from prison. Victims should be assured of their safety before a criminal is released on parole by the courts or when the criminal is released by courts. The victim should have a right to be protected against long delays caused in criminal prosecutions. The aim of these rights was to ensure that the victims are given legitimate attention consideration. This campaign and pressure lead to the passage of Victims of Crime Legislation, Bill 23, 1995; which states that, victims are entailed to the following rights: they should be shown respect, politeness and kindness. That, they should be updated on the court process about their cases. They should also be given information concerning services remedies. The victims should be informed the dates of important proceedings. That the victims should be informed when an offender is released pardoned or escapes. The victims should be interviewed by same gender officer in case the victim is sexual assaulted. The victim has a right to be compensated for injuries suffered. And that incase there was loss of property and it is recovered it should be returned without any delay. Lastly the victim should be able to be represented in the court by writing a victim impact statement. Any where, these rights have to be enforced by the courts to make them work and protect the victim. Otherwise they will be just mere words on paper. In a study carried out by National Victim Center, it found out that many victims still were being denied their rights. This occurred even in those states seen as having a strong legal protection. For example the study found out that a big number of victims from â€Å"strong† and â€Å"weak† states did not receive a notification during different stages of court process. As for bail hearing (those not notified in strong states were 37 percent and in weak states were 57 percent); as for pretrial release of suspects (the number was 62 percent in strong states and 74 percent in weak states for those who were not notified); and for sentencing hearings (those who were not notified were 45 percent in strong states and 70 in weak states). In a another report which was related to this, it was found out that racial minorities were the most serious affected by being denied their victims rights protection. According to observations, victims like to be involved in the justice process. Of particular interest is their always like to be notified of the process of their cases. Victims felt left out and were angry because they were not given information about the way their cases are progressing. It was also noted that, many victims do not want to interfere with the courts. As a victim is also important that the victim is not forces into accepting some justice program that has not chosen. However the question that is asked is whether the victims rights campaign is that necessary and important? Many people have a feeling that crime has increased for the last thirty years. Various studies carried out show an average individual (even those who have not been victimized) live in a regular fear of being victimization. Sadly, the fear of this people is true. This is because total number of crimes in United States has increased by 300% since 1965 to the present day. While violent crime has escalated to more than 600%. This has lead to a very large financial burden to the nation. As it is approximated that $450 billion is spend on crime every year. And that, 1.8 million days are lost in terms of work days, which translates to more than $55 million lost in terms of wages. It is also interesting to note that, as the laws to protect the Victims rights are passed, the crime increases. It was also noted that the percentage of those who repeated to commit a crime was high. A study carried out by University of Pennsylvania revealed that 67% of total crime committed in the nation was carried by a mere 10% of the criminal population. In other cases, the perpetrators hunted and victimized their victim for the second time. This is thought to be a result of the perpetrators not being given harsh penalties or as a result of more liberal laws which seems to give criminals a sense that the government is soft on them and their more rights than those of the victims. These facts are chilling and the problem is touching each community. The Department of Justice shows the America is the one with highest number of violent crimes than any other country. It is estimated that the homicide crime is five times that of Europe while the Juvenile crime rate is seven times more t han that of Europe or Japan. Looking at possibility of being a victim in1996, a survey carried out by Gallup poll, showed that women feared most being victims than men. The number was 57% of women as compared to men who were at 43%. The research also found out that non white people were the one more concerned about becoming victims than the whites. The numbers were 74.8% against 46.6%. It was also noted that few people had confidence in the justice system. It is also apparent that victims are most likely not to report a crime if the perpetrator is someone they know personal. Those victims who are violently attacked are highly likely to report the crime to police if the perpetrator is a stranger. The group which is likely not to report a crime is that of young children aged between 12 and 19. For the purpose of this paper, we will examine a research carried out by The Bouverie centre, Victorias Family Institute using a method of confrontative interview. The confrontational interview carried out in response to critics from the feminist about family therapy in the area of sexual abuse. The interview is designed to address issue of control and power in a situation of victim- perpetrator relationship. In this interview the survivor is allowed to face the person who abused her and face the impact of the abuse to her life. In the interview the perpetrator sits and listens as the victim narrates her feeling. The confrontative interview is where by the victim meets her/his perpetrators, on sexual abused victims the survivors offered different answers. The research was based on four young women, who had been repeatedly sexually abused by men. In was observed that all of the four women were disturbed and even had suicidal thoughts and suffered from severe depression. The women all developed risk behaviors as two shoplifted and the other got involved in pretty crimes. One woman started abusing drugs. Each of the women reported having recurring nightmares, and a lot of fear and mistrust. It was also noted that one victim wet her bed. The research further revealed that each of the victims experienced a sense of inferior, self loathing, shame and felt responsible for the abuse. From the study it was noted that the difficult part was that of the victim accepting the abuse and knowing that she was a victim and was not to blame. According to Karren, a participant she notes that, she could not turn back because she had experienced feeling responsible. Another participant, Cate said that it was a very enormous task when it came to breaking the news to her mother. Another participant, Army described the experience as feeling stronger, he felt like she has conquered something. It was noted that all four women felt more clear when it came to the matter of responsibility upon the contfrontative interview. When the perpetrators where seen physical and when they admitted being quilt had a lot of impact on the victims. It was much important when took the responsibility. According to Cate and Karren they were less troubled and got more focused and stable in their thoughts. The interview also provided a confrontation between the victim and the perpetrator, which lead to a powerful impact on the side of the victims; they experienced a sense of externalizing the pain they suffered. And the experience of knowing who was responsible for their suffering. As the women narrated their anger and emotional turmoil they have undergone, the confrontation offered a dignified opportunity to repair their feelings. They felt that they had triumphed and reclaimed their self identity The outcome of this study was very encouraging, it leads to reduction of nightmares, self doubt, gave the victims more stability and improved their self esteem and a sense of well being. As all four women agreed the interview was used to reduce the trauma they felt. Nevertheless, the interview had its shortcoming and did not provide an immediate solution to those victimized. Each of the four women at the centre had to continue with therapy and in the months that followed they made statements to the police and the police have laid criminal charges against the perpetrators. Although, this was not the main aim of the study, the women opened up during the interview. For example Amy after realizing that she was a saviors and an innocent person who was sexually assaulted commented that, the fact that sexual abuse is wrong when done to you, and that it is a criminal offence done to you and you are just a victim is so much. And it is more important if your family is there to support you. Fro m this study it is important for the victims to come out and be heard. Conclusion Although the Victims rights issue is a very controversial debate, as many laws about the â€Å"rights of accused† and â€Å"rights of offender,† result in the victim feeling that he/she is not secure. It is paramount that the victims should be given their rights and the necessary protection they require. However these rights must be enforced by the courts to be meaningfully. However, as studies show that more rights do not reduce crime, it should be noted that, more rights result in respect and fair treatment of the victims. It is also clear that those who have been victimized require proper therapy and assistance to be able to live a normal life and be able to regain their lost dignity. In the words of Bill Clinton president of America, the government will continue to amend the crime Victims Rights by giving violent crime victims access to information and other rights, but the same time protect the rights of defendants. References Anita, B., and John, P. (1997): Improving Community Response to Crime Victims: An Eight-Step Model for Developing Protocol. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Congressional Record, (April 25, 2000): (106th Cong., 2nd Sess.), at S2822 (discussing academic research on yearly American criminal prosecutions). Morris, A., Maxwell, G., and Robertson, J. (1993): Giving victims a voice: A New Zealand experiment. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 32(4), 301-321. Resick, P. (1987): Psychological effects of victimization: Implications for the criminal justice system. Crime Delinquency, 33(4), 468-478. Roach, K. (1999): Due process and victims rights, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, New Directions from the Field: Victims Rights, and Services for the 21st Century at 10 (1998); see Committee Report at 13-15.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Solution to E-Waste Essays -- Recycling Electronics

Over the past decade there was a profound development achieved in the sphere of high technologies production. Now the scale of electronics market becomes wider and spins up day by day with a cyclic launch of new electronic appliances with enhanced features. â€Å"According to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), consumers were expected to purchase 500 million units of consumer electronics in the US in 2008.† (Electronics Takeback coalition, 2010) Consequently, a clear tendency toward rapid substitution of electronic appliances can be observed. A high rate in electronics upgrading shortens their lifespan and results in following stockpiling of needless gadgets, which become a part of municipal waste. These end-of-life electronic devices are often called â€Å"electronic waste, or e-waste†. As Brett H. Robinson (2009) claims, now worldwide production of e-waste reaches approximately 20-25 million tons being discarded every year with the largest proportion in Europ e, the United States and Australasia. Hence, the problem of e-waste disposal management grows into a serious global challenge. As it was reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2.6 million tons of electronic waste were generated in 2005 and only estimated 330,000 tons were recycled. (Kim A. O'Connell, 2007) Thereby a very small percentage of electronic waste undergoes recycling process, as a considerable part is stockpiled in landfills or incinerated with the rest of solid municipal waste. This essay will present main points of e-waste management issue, analyze possible approaches to the problem, such as export to developing countries for re-use, takeback and recycling programs, or so-called extended producer responsibility. Finally, the essay will sum up w... ... Waste Age 88-92 Robinson, B.H. 2009. E-waste: an assessment of global production and environmental impacts. Science for the total environment 408(2): 183-191. (accessed January 4, 2011) Stephenson, J.B. 2008. Electronic Waste: Harmful U.S. exports flow virtually unrestricted because of minimal EPA enforcement and narrow regulation. United States Government Accountability Office, (accessed October 28, 2010) Umesi, N.O. and S. Onyia. 2008. Disposal of –ewastes in Nigeria: an appraisal of regulations and current practices. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 15(6): 565-573. (accessed January 4, 2011)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motivational Methods Essay

Motivation in the workplace is very crucial for businesses and people. For most healthcare managers they have a lot of stress on them daily. As manager they provide leadership, guidance, and skills to their employees. Making sure the workplace operates correctly not only for the success as a team but also for the public. There are different ways motivations can affect us in a behavior standpoint. Quoted â€Å"Based on psychological and neurobiological theories of core affective experience, we identify a set of direct and indirect paths through which affective feelings at work affect three dimensions of behavioral outcomes: direction, intensity, and persistence. First, affective experience may influence these behavioral outcomes indirectly by affecting goal level and goal commitment, as well as three key judgment components of work motivation: expectancy judgments, utility judgments, and progress judgments. Second, affective experience may also affect these behavioral outcomes direct ly’’ (2004, Barrett and Bartunek). Based on scholar article this provides allot of different information of how studies have shown It is important in every organization big or small that everyone has the ability to make sure all departmental managers are on the same page. Especially with a downsized company, this can really hurt those who have had issues with bad employees versus good employees. There are difficult facts to make sure that we all keep an open perspective when a company downsizes. Giving employees bonuses during this  type of a difficult situation is good because this allows you to make a peaceful profit for the employee to stay while downsizing staff. Sometimes if you downsize a large staff and people get cut, this can become an intimidating situation and those who are staying should feel more comfortable with their job. Having employee bonuses really reflect on those who are really hard working people and can make sure that they stay motivated. Motivation allows a person to feel confident in their job and with the bonuses that are given; this will help to keep loyal employees during a difficult time. Those who are let go should be assured that a good reference will be with the company and that sometimes downsizing doesn’t mean a negative unemployment. Motivation of people to work effectively comes from inside out, the organizations they work for, and how motivation is accomplish. People’s intrinsic and extrinsic needs to be satisfied with such things as money or security or maybe both are needed to get the job done. There are many theories on motivations that have been studied, and some have proven to be very effective. â€Å"TheAdams’ Equity Theory- which proposes that individuals are motivated whenthey perceive that they are treated equitably in comparison to others within the organization† (Adams, 1963). According to the theory, it comes down to a fair balance between the employee’s inp uts and outputs. Inputs such as his/her work skills, effectiveness as a teamplayer; against his or her outputs like money, intangibles such as sense of achievement, praise and reputation. The heart of the Equity Theory is when people feel they are being treated fairly and respected for their work are more likely to be more motivated. Those that are unfairly treated are highly prone to feelings of disaffection and demotivation. So, by using this model in our organization we will have very motivated employees who are team players. The model will be effective by sharing information good or bad on how they are performing at their jobs and rewarding those that show good motivation and team work. The goal is for employees to like what they are doing and share that with others on the team. â€Å"As motivational situation we might seek to assess using the model, is not dependent on the extent to which a person believes reward exceeds effort, nor even necessarily on the belief that reward exceeds effort at all. Rather, Equity, and the sense of fairness which commonly underpins motivation, is dependent on the comparison a person makes between his or her  reward/investment ra tio with the ratio enjoyed (or suffered) by others considered to be in a similar situation†(Balancing Employee Inputs and Outputs). Behavioral Management Theory is the understanding and response of employee needs to enforce motivation. This theory guides management in a better understanding of the human aspect. It involves management to treat employees as important resources in the workforce. The goal is to raise productivity and to do this by motivating employees. Motivating employees can involve incentives like employee bonuses, promotions, and the collection and redeeming of points for rewards. As the management takes interest in employees, it makes them feel like an important part of the puzzle, and in turn motivates employees to work harder. Like in most cases, if the employees are satisfied and working conditions are good, productivity raises automatically. A theorist by the name of Mayo Hawthorne devised an experiment that allowed a group of telephone line workers to be separated and observed in a private room. The controlled group of employees increased greatly in productivity. This brought the human rela tions movement that involved management spending time, showing interest, and rewarding employees to increase productivity. Employees felt management was interested in their wellbeing. Motivated employees produce positive productivity and behavior. The behavioral management theory was developed in response to employees’ behavior education and motivation towards work being positive and increasing productivity. (Kat Kadian-Baumeyer) Managers facing a major change within a company such as downsizing must know how to handle the situation in order to make their employees feel comfortable with the impending change. There are several techniques a manager can apply in order to make the transition smooth and flawless beginning by treating each employee with respect as the individual that they are. A manager could discuss possible promotions to certain employees in order to keep them which could calm and prepare them for change. However, not every employee will be offered such a deal, but honesty will go a long way when speaking to them when there is a big change about to take place. Once the information has been given one important technique a manager can adhere to is to listen because there will many questions and concerns. If an employee feels, they are receiving neither respect nor honesty it can quickly escalate into something hostile that is something every company and manager needs to avoid. In the workplace many  times once we get into a position it can be hard for us to stay driven. That’s why managers tend to try to change things up in the work environment. Good motivations to get employees driven again are offeringrewards. It is a work driven environment that makes employees both maintain and push themselves to reap the reward. In the healthcare environment with it being ever changing managers may even offer a reward for those that complete trainings. Many times the trainings that pop up daily have changes that need to be put in place immediately. Employees even feel better about the workplace and themselves upon completion of assignment especially knowing there will be a reward for their effective work. Managers often have to do the dirty work of disciplining and punishing employees. When managers give instruction,it’s important to be clear what performance below expectations will do for you and at the same time explaining what rewards are given for meeting and exceeding expectations. We as the future of healthcare managers need to make sure we have the education and tools to be great leaders and lead the future of our staff to great lengths and expectations. Provided by my team this paper shows our great strengths and weaknesses. As a team we have shown that we are a stronger unit as one, we have our different opinions but still manage to make our deadlines. I am grateful for theteam membersin this class we have learned allot, and I know we are well prepared to conquer this paper. References Adams’ Equity Theory/Balancing Employee Inputs and Outputs Retrieved from: The role of affective experience in work motivation: Test of a conceptual model (Jean M. Bartunek and Lisa Feldman Barrett, 2004) Behavioral Management Theory: Understanding Employee Behavior & Motivation Retrieved from: Lipman, V. (2013). 5 Easy Ways To Motivate – And Demotivate – Employees. Forbes Retrieved from Rewards and Incentives in the Workplace by Sherrie Scott, Demand Media Retrieved from:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

College Costs How Much Essay

Growing up, students were taught to get a higher education in order to make a comfortable living for them and their families. Now, those college graduates are crippled with large amounts of debilitating student loans and are unable to start a family of their own. According to the credit bureau TransUnion, the average student loan debt carried by each borrower has risen 30% to $23,829 in the past five years. These graduates should be stimulating the economy by buying cars and houses, but instead they are sending their paychecks to the bank to pay back their enormous loans. The aggregated amount of student debt has soared over the past several years due to so many people deciding to go back to college after being laid off from their jobs, a rapid rise in college tuition, and schools that give out worthless degrees. The New York Times states that in the 1970s, the median wage was 40% higher for college graduates than for those with just a high school diploma; today, the wage premium has risen to about 80%. Although there are options to get a degree quickly, it is not always the best idea. It is concerning that some schools promise a degree in less time, yet charge the same amount as a four year university. The Art Institute is one of the biggest offenders. They offer a three year culinary program that costs close to $100,000 while the graduates only average about $12 per hour after graduation. It is impossible to pay back those types of loans with basically a minimum wage job. Also, possible employers would much rather hire someone who has been studying the subject for four to six years rather than just a few months, so it can be very challenging for those students to find a job. The fact that our country’s student loan debt is currently valued at $1 trillion dollars, while the cost of tuition is rapidly increasing, is the most concerning effect of this crisis. Today, about half of college graduates are either underemployed or do not have a job at all. The tide is not going to turn until the job market improves. One of the problems in the job market is that jobs are not opening up as quickly as they should because people are pushing back retirement to help pay for their children’s loans. Students fresh out of college are putting off getting married and starting families because they do not have the secure job future they were promised would come with their college degree. Families have also decreased in size because parents are not able to afford as many children. Public schools are overflowing with students because the alternative private schools are just too expensive. This debilitating debt could cause the millennials, people aged 18 to 34, to be one of the first generations in America to not make a better living than their parents did. It is not ethical to force such a large amount of debt on an 18-year-old who has never even had a credit card before. Too many schools use students as pawns to make thousands of dollars than actually helping them succeed and become a member of a functioning society. The student loan debt problem is going to continue to rise dramatically unless we stop the problem where it started- the greedy universities and â€Å"for-profit† schools. Our government needs to make laws and restrictions based on how much a school can charge for tuition. Because filing for bankruptcy with student loans is impossible, the schools continue to raise the cost of tuition knowing that they will most likely get their money in the end. Now, we have schools charging ridiculous amounts for a mediocre degree while the average graduate makes about $12 an hour. There is no way in the world that graduate would be able to pay off those gargantuan student loans without having more than one job. Tuition should be a percentage of the average income of an employer with that degree so that it is possible to pay back in a reasonable amount of time. If schools went back to offering a great education for an affordable price our country would have a much easier time fixing our limping economy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter P

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter P Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter P used in chemistry and chemical engineering. P - PetaP - Phosphorusp - picoP - PressureP - ProtonPA - Phosphatidic AcidPa - PascalPa - ProtactiniumPA - Proton affinityPA # - PolyAmide polymer numberPAA - PolyAcrylic AcidPABA - ParaAminoBenzoic AcidPAC - Pharmaceutically Active CompoundPAC - Polycyclic Aromatic ContentPAC - Powdered Activated CarbonPAEK - PolyaryletherketonePAGE - PolyAcrylamide Gel ElectrophoresisPAH - Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonPAI - PolyAmide ImidePAO - PolyAlphaOlefinPASA - PolyAmide, Semi-AromaticPb - LeadPB - PolyButylenePBB - PolyBrominated BiphenylPBD - PolyButaDienePBI - PolyBenzImidazolePBN - PolyButylene NaphthalatePBS - Phosphate Buffered SalinePBT - PolyButylene TerephthalatePC - PolyCarbonatePC - Pyruvate CarboxylasePCA - Pyrrolidone Carboxylic AcidPCC - Pyridine Chloro ChromatePCE - TetrachloroethylenePCR - Polymerase chain reactionPCV - Pressure control valvePd - PalladiumPD - Positive displacementPD - Potential differencePE - PhycoErythrinPE - PolyethylenePE - Potential energyPEA - PolyEster Amine PEEK - PolyEtherEtherKetonePEG - PolyEthylene GlycolPEK - Poly Ether KetonePEL - Permissible exposure limitPERC - TetrachloroethylenePES - PolyEtherSulfonePET - Polyethylene TerephthalatePETP - Polyethylene terephthalatePEX - Cross-linked PolyEthylenePFC - Perfluorocarbonpg - picogramPG - Propylene GlycolPG - ProstaglandinPGA - 3-PhosphoGlyceric AcidPGA - PolyGlutamic AcidPGE - Platinum group elementsPGM - Platinum group metalspH - measurement of H ions in aqueous solutionPH - Phenol functional groupPHA - PolyHydroxyAlkanoatePHB - PolyHydroxyButyratePHC - Petroleum HydroCarbonPHMB - PolyHexaMethyleneBiguanidePHT - PHThalatePI - Phosphate IonPI - PolyImidePIB - PolyIsoButylenepK - Measurement of the dissociation constantPLA - Polymerized Lactic AcidPLC - PhosphoLipase-CPM3 - Parameterized Model number 3PM10 - Particulates smaller than 10 ÃŽ ¼m.PM - Particulate MatterPM - Photo Multiplierpm - picometerPM - Plasma MembranePM - Powder MetallurgyPm - PromethiumPMA - PhosphoMolybdic AcidPM A - PolyMethyl Acrylate PMID - PubMed IDentifierPMMA - PolyMethylMethAcrylatePMO - PolyMethylene OxidePNPA - PolyNucleotide Phosphorylase APNPB - PolyNucleotide Phosphorylase BPo - PoloniumPOC - Polar organic contaminantpOH - Measurement of OH- ions in aqueous solutionPOL - Petroleum, oils, and lubricantsPOP - Persistent organic pollutantPORC - PorcelainPPA -PhenylPropanolAminePPA - PolyPhthalAmidePPB - Parts per billionPPM - Parts per millionPPO - PolyPhenylene OxidePPS - PolyPhenylene SulfidePPT - Parts per trillionPPT - PolyPyrimidine TractPPT - PrecipitatePr - PraseodymiumPRV - Pressure relief valvePSI - Pounds per square inchPSV - Pressure safety valvePt - PlatinumPTFE - PolyTetraFluoroEthylenePu - PlutoniumPU - PolyUrethanePV - Parity ViolationPV - Pressure VolumePVC - PolyVinyl ChloridePVT - Pressure, volume, temperaturePXY - Para-XYlene

Monday, October 21, 2019

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Quotes

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Quotes The curtains close. With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the famous epic of wizardry and magic finally ends. J. K. Rowling takes us, Muggles, for one last magical tour into Harry Potters world. The book ends with a climax that reaches a feverish pitch. If you havent yet grabbed a copy of the book, you are missing a lot. For the rest of the die-hard Harry Potter fans, take a trip to fantasy land, with these Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows quotes. Spoiler warning: These quotes might reveal parts of the story. Albus DumbledoreOf course, it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?Ron Weasley(with regard to Peeves singing his victory song) That really captures the scope and tragedy of the thing, doesnt it?(Engraved on Dobbys grave)Here lies Dobby, a free elf.Luna LovegoodI think the answer is: a circle that has no beginning.Hermione GrangerMudblood, and proud of it!PeevesWe did it, we bashed them, wee Potters the one,And Voldys gone moldy, so now lets have fun!Sirius Black[On being asked if dying hurt] Dying? Not at all. Quicker and easier than falling asleep.VoldemortThat Potter lives is due more to my errors, than to his triumphs... I have been careless, and so have been thwarted by luck and chance, those wreckers of all but the best-laid plans. But I know better now. I understand those things that I did not understand before. I must be the one to kill Harry Potter, and I shall be.Albus DumbledoreIt is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well. Dudley Dursley(to Harry) I dont think youre a waste of space.Albus DumbledoreDo not pity the dead, Harry, pity the living. Above all, pity those who live without love. By returning you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed and fewer families are torn apart. If that seems to you a worthy goal, then we say goodbye for the present.Hermione GrangerWands are only as powerful as the wizards who use them. Some wizards just like to boast that theirs are bigger and better than other peoples.Albus DumbledorePower was my weakness and my temptation.Luna Lovegood(after McGonagall says Lord Voldemort is attacking) Ooh! We can say that name now?Albus DumbledoreThat which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to understand. Of house-elves and childrens tales, of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing. Nothing. That they all have a power beyond his own, a power beyond the reach of any magic, is a truth he has never grasped.(Engraved on Rowena Ravenclaws diadem) Wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure. Ronald WeasleyAlls fair in love and war, and this is a bit of both.Mr. OllivanderThe wand chooses the wizard, that much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore.Harry Potter(to Ron and Hermione kissing) Oi! Theres a war going on here!Ron Weasley(referring to Draco Malfoys son) Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mothers brains.Fred WeasleyFor instance, this new idea that You-Know-Who can kill with a single glance from his eyes. Thats a Basilisk, listeners. One simple test, check whether the thing thats glaring at you has got legs. If it has, its safe to look into its eyes, although if it really is You-Know-Who, thats still likely to be the last thing you ever do.(Engraved on the Potters grave)The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Easily Find Content Marketing Ideas

How To Easily Find Content Marketing Ideas I couldn’t believe my eyes. It seemed like every single content marketing idea that I had just come up with was already readily available on Google. And when it came to social media content and content marketing these names- Neil Patel, Kevan Lee, Belle Beth Cooper, and Garrett Moon- kept popping up again, and again, and again. As a young, budding content marketer, I was distraught, and yet curious. How were these people able to come up with all these content marketing ideas and topics- some of which had barely germinated in my mind? Were they extraordinarily creative? Were they even mortal? As it turns out, yes, they are all regular human beings just like you and me. And just like us, they had to start somewhere, too. The good news is, thanks to technology, we live in a time of unprecedented access to resources and knowledge. By tapping the right sources, you  can easily come up with enough marketing  ideas to last a year and beyond. Before we get started, it’s important to have a place where you can note down all your ideas- which is also known as a â€Å"swipe file†- even if they are just half-formed. Your swipe file could be on a  Google Docs spreadsheet, , or recorded with a plain ol’ pen-and-paper. If you’re ready, let’s dive into it. How To Easily Find Content Marketing Ideas via @legendt 1. Look At What Others Are Writing About- And Do A Better Job You probably already have a list of blogs and publications that you look up to and hope to emulate one day. Why not start emulating them right away? Have a look at their top posts, and come up with similar ones, but better. There’s a reason why these blog posts did well for them, and if your target audience overlaps with theirs, you can be sure that this will be a win. Backlinko’s Brian Dean calls this  the skyscraper technique. Here are four ways that you can make your post superior to the original (Thanks, Brian!): Make it bigger or longer:  Go for broke, and find 100 ways to do help your audience  instead of just 50. Making a comprehensive guide gives your audience a one-stop solution for what they're searching for, shows your expertise, and builds your credibility. Make it more up-to-date:  A list post that did well in 2015 will likely do well again in 2016, and the year after, and so on. Build on what you know already works with your more recent  knowledge. Make it look nicer:  An infographic that visualizes text content that resonated with readers will certainly attract more attention. Heck, infographics are some of the most-shared types of social media content, and  content with visuals included about every 100 words can grow your shares by 30%. Make it far more detailed:  100 bullet points will never compete with 100 points with brief descriptions. Case in point: I recently noticed that there were multiple posts on beautiful resume designs that topped the first page of Google, but the biggest post listed only 50 examples. I decided to shoot for a list post of 70 well-designed resume examples. This particular blog post  ended up becoming our most-viewed article for that week  and was shared more than 600 times on our social media channels in the same time period as well. Not too shabby. If you’re not sure which blogs to look at, try entering your topic keywords into BuzzSumo, which will then magically churn out a list of the most-shared related content on the blogosphere: 2. Listen To What Your Customers Are Asking About Think that it’s hard to come up with content marketing ideas for your niche? Try doing it for a pool company, and you’ll realize the true meaning of hard. Yet back in 2009, Marcus Sheridan’s company River Pools and Spas was able to use content marketing to dominate the pool industry. His solution for coming up with topics is exceedingly simple: To answer his customers’ questions. â€Å"The problem in my industry, and a lot of industries, is you don’t get a lot of great search results [online] because most businesses don’t want to give answers; they want to talk about their company,† he said in an interview  with The New York Times. â€Å"So I realized that if I was willing to answer all these questions that people have about fiberglass pools, we might have a chance to pull this out.† When brainstorming with his clients over at his online marketing consulting business, The Sales Lion, Marcus reveals that he has â€Å"never had a company come up with less than 100 questions in 30 minutes.† There are a number of ways to find out what your customers are asking about in your industry and business: Ask your sales teams who have regular interactions with the customers. Use a live chat app such as Zopim or Olark to chat with them online. Even better, organize a community meetup to engage with your users face-to-face. Hootsuite does Hootups, for example, while we run PiktoTours  regularly at Piktochart. This method is highly recommended- we get a lot of invaluable feedback and suggestions from these meetups.Simple and effective #ContentMarketing:  Listen to questions and respond with valuable answers.3. †¦And Listen To Others In Your Industry,  Too Your customers might be an excellent source of potential  marketing ideas, but they might have missed out on a question that others asked. How do you find out what the rest of the industry is curious about? Find out where they gather to talk shop. Facebook groups, Twitter chats, and forums are some of the platforms that will bring them all together. It pays to become an active participant, as you can get industry-wide exposure over there. Another popular platform that attracts questions across a variety of industries is Quora. According to Marc Bodnick, Quora’s head of business and community, the QA website has around  500,000 topics as of 2014. That’s a whole lot of potential blog topics to pick out right there! To optimize your efforts, focus on questions that have a lot of followers, answers, or views, like this one: With 1,700 followers and over 300,000 views, you can be sure that many people are curious to know what the perfect startup team is. Sounds like a great blog post in the making! You can find most of these high-traffic questions in the topic FAQ: As a bonus, you can post your answer to the topic with a link to the blog post you’ve written to get a boost in traffic as well. It will drive traffic to your blog in no time. This is because all the followers of a question will receive a notification email as soon as you post your answer. Game, set, and match. Answer your audience's questions and share your take where they already hang out.4. Interview Industry Rockstars Every industry has its rockstars. Startups have Elon Musk. Designers have Jony Ive. And marketers have Seth Godin. And their success and experience make them a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and advice- things that your readers are dying to learn. To get the most from them, it’s important to know them well first. Here’s where a little journalistic inquiry will come in handy. First, find out what their stories are, and what is so extraordinary about them. Look for content marketing ideas and think about what your readers can learn from them  like Contently did when they interviewed Seth Godin on the future of branded content.  Come up with topics accordingly. What is their secret to being so productive? How could they do what they do so darn well? What were some of the greatest mistakes  they've made? Connect their expertise to what you know your audience will dig, and you'll have a winner. 5. Be Authentic Okay, that sounds like fluff, but hear me out. People love stories.  It’s built into us- we can’t help but look for the story in everything. This is because  it's â€Å"a way for humans to feel that we have control over the world.† And you are most uniquely qualified to talk about your own stories. I don’t mean  for you to make up fictional tales. Talk about your journey, struggles, and opinions. For example, what are your goals, and how are you trying to achieve them? Groove’s Alex Turnbull managed to build out  a popular blog out of their singular mission: To reach $100,000 (and now $500,000) in revenue. Think that you have nothing worth sharing? Everyone does, according to  John O’Nolan from Ghost: "These posts aren't just an exercise in narcissism, they can be incredibly useful for other people in your industry. Everyone has to start somewhere, and by learning from your mistakes the next generation can progress even quicker.† Companies like Buffer  and iDoneThis  have also dedicated whole blogs to telling the inside story. Put the spirit of point 1 into action (publish better content than anyone else), and have a look at what kind of topics these example companies tackle- they could apply to you, too. 6. Keep Up-To-Date Every industry has its  own set of buzzwords and trends  that constantly go in and out of fashion. If you’re quick enough, you can ride these waves and come up with post after post where you can put your two cents worth in. Take the â€Å"guest blogging scare† of 2014 for instance. Google’s former head of the web spam team Matt Cutts had denounced guest blogging  as a spammy practice, foreshadowing that Google would not view them kindly. The marketing community blew up: One by one, articles which mostly  disagreed  with  Matt started popping up everywhere. The most convincing writers were able to lead the conversation on this topic. Buffer also did a great job  analyzing what the change of Twitter favorites to likes would really mean for marketers, just a day or two after the news was released. You can stay abreast of trending topics in your niche by using Google Alerts. Create an alert with keywords that are relevant to you and your company, and have it send updates to you as and when things surface. NinjaOutreach  is also an effective tool for finding out what topics are currently hot in the social media world: Also, do keep a close lookout for recent research and studies on topics in your niche as well. A recent study by Constant Science found that  roughly 65 percent of participants think that web content is a â€Å"hit or miss† or â€Å"unreliable.† Research-backed blog posts are an advantage you can easily tap on. For example, we focus a lot on design-related topics over at the Piktochart blog. As such, I check the Visual Design section of Nielsen Norman Group’s website  daily to see if there are any great tidbits that I can latch on to. 65% of people think web content is hit or miss. Data-driven, research-backed content stands out.7. Refresh Old Hits Not every blog post that you write will be a hit. Chances are that one or two might be, and end up bringing the bulk of traffic over to your site. These articles are your crown jewels.  See how you can create updated versions of them that are relevant to today so you can repeat that initial success. Hubspot does this on a regular basis: Also, it’s worth putting in some time to analyze what makes them so good, and see if you can spin some content marketing ideas off of them. Do a blog content audit  to find out which of your posts are suitable to do this. As Crew’s editor Jory Mackay found out, it is a tedious process, but well worth the trouble. If your definitive guide to making infographics  is regularly bringing in substantial repeat traffic, for example, it shows that there is interest among your readers in the process of creating infographics.  Topics like "100 infographic ideas that work",  which comes before the creation process, and "50 ways to market your infographic",  which comes after, might also be attractive to your audience in this case. Success shows audience interest. Learn from it to inspire new #marketing ideas.This Is Just The Beginning... As you can see, content marketing ideas are a dime a dozen. Coming up with them is the easy part. The tough part comes after, when you put pen to paper (or your fingers to the keyboard)- that’s a whole new ballgame  with different rules! So don’t get too wrapped up in ideation. Once you have a decent number of topics, get started right away. As Derek Sivers puts it: â€Å"To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financing Delivery of Healthcare Services Article

Financing Delivery of Healthcare Services - Article Example The current public and private sources of funds for health care financing There are three major sources of healthcare financing for healthcare delivery services in Mexico. While some methods of financing covers the bulk of the financing burden, there are others which caters for only a small percentage of the country’s population, owing to the inaccessibility and unaffordable nature of such methods. The three methods of financing healthcare in Mexico include: General government Government plays a vital role in the financing of healthcare services in Mexico. The contribution of the general government to healthcare financing in this country ranges from 44 to 48% of the annual healthcare budget. In the years 2005, governments contribution to healthcare financing in Mexico was rated at 45.5% of the total healthcare spending, while the same was rated at 48% in the year 2009 (OECD, 2011). The government offers financing through the Ministry of Health, which is responsible for ensurin g that the public health institutions are financed and supplied accordingly, to ensure continuous provision of health services, especially to the rural poor and the people in the informal sector. Private Social Security Insurance The country has established a system of formal social security institutions that offer health insurance for the formally employed, which is financed through a tripartite contribution by the employer, the employee and the government (Cassels, 2005). This way, the social security insurance ensures that the formally employed as well as their families are offered health services, catered for by the tripartite contribution. For the year 2009, private social security insurance catered for 48% of the healthcare financing in Mexico (OECD, 2011). Out-of-pocket The country has a category of people who are not wholesomely covered by either the government or the private insurance financing services, and thus has to depend on their pockets to pay for the healthcare serv ices (Garman, Johnson & Royer, 2011). These are especially the category of people who have enlisted the services of private physicians. The current methods of acquiring money for health care services, research, and training There are various methods that are applied in the acquisition of money for healthcare services, research and training in Mexico. Some of these methods include household contributions through community. Angel financing is one of the methods of obtaining money especially for healthcare services provision, where the angel financiers offer their financing of healthcare in the form of medical loans (Frenk, 2006). Such loans are offered to individuals who are salaried, yet are not able to obtain other forms of financing for their healthcare needs, considering that it is a financing method that does not require any collateral provision to qualify for the loans, while also helping the beneficiaries to avoid their credit cards being burdened with loan charges and loan int erests (Johnson& Stoskopf, 2010). Government-to-Non-governmental Organization collaboration is yet another method that is applied in Mexico to acquire money for healthcare services, research and training. The Mexican government partners with the existing Non-governmental organizations that operate in the country, to provide the necessary funding for

Friday, October 18, 2019

Residentual Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) at the Department of Essay

Residentual Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) at the Department of Correcti - Essay Example Drugs that fall under this category include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opioids. Depending on the jurisdictions of various countries, drug and substance abuse may lead one to be convicted of criminal offence and penalty. Another category of drug abuse misuse is the abuse of clinical drugs such as sedatives, analgesic, stimulants, and anxiolytic. Drug abuse with these substances occurs when prescriptions are misused, or administered inconsistently, or intentional use misuse in order to intoxicate oneself. Continued abuse of drugs creates in the victim a state of tolerance for the drugs. This means that his central nervous system gets addicted to the drugs and cannot function well without the drugs in its system. a halt to the use of the drugs creates withdrawal symptoms on the user, adversely affecting his functionality. The Residual Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) is a program for state prisoners aimed at enabling local governments and states to provide programs for treating substance abuse in their correction and detention facilities. Besides offering the services for the inmates while still in prison, the program extends its services to them after they are released as a form of community-based services. Those eligible for the services are prisoners in state prisons as individuals or groups. Requirements for the services include that the services last between 6-12 months, meaning that only prisoners imprisoned for such length of time only are legible. The second requirement is that the services be offered in a residential facility, a facility sent apart from the general population. The services focus duly on rehabilitation the inmate and nothing else such as the crimes he committed leading to his incarceration. The services are encompassing, integrating the inmate’s cognitive, behavioral,

Critique of Strategic Thinking for Information Technology Essay

Critique of Strategic Thinking for Information Technology - Essay Example line that requires study and preparation† as well as â€Å"a discipline that enables one to develop deep and far reaching conclusions about the information age and IT fighting.† Strategy is seen as an essential factor in the success of a business organization especially in an IT company where alignment is highly required. He also stressed that alignment is not a point-in-time concept and that IT must change in response to the changes that the organization faces. The chapter also presents the scenario of the information age where bits become source of value and where IT intensifies rivalry among industry players. In response to this, the traditional sustainable advantage is replaced with throwaway temporary advantage. Boar stresses that in order to keep up with the current competition, business organizations need not capitalize on long-term capacities but on short term competitive advantage. The main idea is to keep up with the competition by manoeuvring across time. An important point that Boar discuss is the importance of having a strategy in order to propel a business organization to its expected end (Boar 62-63). The author furthers his point by stating that business organizations can strategically position themselves by acquiring advantages both competitive and sustainable. In the end, his emphasis is on acquiring temporary competitive advantage that building on long-term sustainable advantage. This point is in direct contrast with what is taught by strategic management theorists Thomson and Strickland. In their book entitled Strategic Management, these thinkers recognize the importance of turning competitive advantage into sustainable advantage. They argue that business organizations should focus on the long-run and thus, find ways to sustain the competitive advantage that they have. The ideas presented by Boar contrasts that of Thomson and Strickland. While Boar favors competitive advantage, Thomson and Strickland are advocating sustainab le advantage. These

Marketing Plan - XYZ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Marketing Plan - XYZ - Essay Example This report will introduce competitor analysis that will focus particularly on the SWOT analysis for this business. At the micro environment the focus is on the economic and social forces and to a minor extent the regulatory forces that prevail at this level; in particular it will be a focus on the patient, client and employee analysis and the importance of these relationships. Patients have come to expect a comfortable and courteous environment provided by empathic staff that stresses the interpersonal dimension of the quality of health care service with higher quality service present to improve clinical outcomes and patient and doctor satisfaction whilst reducing cost and increasing value This discussion declares that at the National level the influences on the practice can predominately be political in the sense that the Government is the regulatory body of medical laws. The Government is also the provider of much of the medical income through its Medicare system, the Medicare system facilitates a higher uptake of all medical services and regulates the rebates returned for those services. This comes about by its funding of Medicare and Department of Veteran Affairs rebate for both private and public patients which is the major source of the practice income as each procedure or consultation provided attracts a rebate. The most predominant force at the meso environment level is the GPs.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Introduction to Political Science Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Introduction to Political Science - Assignment Example This system of check and balance is effectual via the Congressional Oversight as far as the Congress is concerned. The functions of Congress Oversight dictate its benefits. These include the following; increase in government accountability and increase in the degree of toughness in the queries taken from officers of the public. In this way, constructive decisions are reached. Undoubtedly, the Congress Oversight is a tremendous help in guaranteeing that all the governing bodies do not violate the legislative principles. The Congress is accountable for preserving the well being and safety of the people. Its fundamental role lies in serving as a representative party for the people of America, as supported by the Oversight of the Congress. An example is negotiating with agencies according to their constituents’ welfare. This means the rights of the people of America are safeguarded. The Watergate scandal inquiry serves as an example (Liebovich 333). This power can be exercised in a biased manner because if a particular party directs Congress, it might not use its oversight power to monitor and supervise events that benefit the party. This may affect the interests of the people of America and generate detrimental responses. ... Congress has impeachment powers. Impeachment permits the governing body to hold the civil officers responsible for committing transgressions. However, the legislature is not authorized to carry on trials or terminate the civil officers for malfeasance. The upper house has the obligation to conduct the entire trial section of the impeachment and the lower house has the responsibility to conduct the accusation. The congress can exercise the power of impeachment over the executive branch. Andrew Johnson, the 17th President, is an example. He was held accountable by 35 senators and was prosecuted in his office. The United States President, Richard Nixon was held responsible for the Watergate Scandal that took place during 1974. He decided to resign from his presidency instead of experiencing impeachment at the hand of the congress. During 1998, the President of the United States, Bill Clinton became the next president after Nixon to be impeached by the United States Senate. Later on, the Senate found him innocent. President of the United States has the power to represent the state, he is the one who is supposed to meet the heads of other countries and visit other countries and represent United States in other countries. The President is even entitled to executive powers, this allows him to run the nation and control the operations of the federal government. President has the power to accept and reject the bill forwarded to him by the congress; this power is recognized as legislative power. He has the power to appoint different officers for different public positions, his duties even include managing foreign affairs such as dealing with presidents of other nations and he even has the power to take emergency measures if necessarily

Reading response papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Reading response papers - Essay Example While Marinetti’s manifesto is obviously motivated by the desire for change, it has the tone of a call-to-arms! It overflows with revolutionary enthusiasm and is written in a highly exaggerated, theatrical style. Marinetti urges men  to embrace speed, war, machinery and danger.  He rejects the past and disregards the future, living only in a hedonistic present. Throughout the manifesto, Marinetti’s love for automobiles, and speed, is evident. â€Å"The hungry automobiles roared beneath our windows (209),† he says. Marinetti gives the car life as a powerful, dangerous animal – it is a snorting beast, and â€Å"a vast shark† (211). He lavishes caresses on it. To him, a racing automobile embodies the very peak of beauty. He celebrates the man at the wheel of a car. The automobile finds mention in points three and four of his manifesto. In this context, it seems somehow appropriate that Marinetti meets with an accident when speeding on his automobil e and lands in a ditch. â€Å"The mad intoxication† of his speed, a Dionysian frenzy, is present in every line of his manifesto. His complete abandonment of reason, and his adamant resolve to â€Å"leave good sense behind† (2010), can but lead to catastrophe, here embodied by the accident. The two cyclists can be perceived to represent reason. The â€Å"love of danger, the habit of energy and rashness† (2011) is sure to lead to mishaps. However, for all its impractical, radical language, Manetti’s manifesto remains a lyrical testament to the Futurist

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Introduction to Political Science Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Introduction to Political Science - Assignment Example This system of check and balance is effectual via the Congressional Oversight as far as the Congress is concerned. The functions of Congress Oversight dictate its benefits. These include the following; increase in government accountability and increase in the degree of toughness in the queries taken from officers of the public. In this way, constructive decisions are reached. Undoubtedly, the Congress Oversight is a tremendous help in guaranteeing that all the governing bodies do not violate the legislative principles. The Congress is accountable for preserving the well being and safety of the people. Its fundamental role lies in serving as a representative party for the people of America, as supported by the Oversight of the Congress. An example is negotiating with agencies according to their constituents’ welfare. This means the rights of the people of America are safeguarded. The Watergate scandal inquiry serves as an example (Liebovich 333). This power can be exercised in a biased manner because if a particular party directs Congress, it might not use its oversight power to monitor and supervise events that benefit the party. This may affect the interests of the people of America and generate detrimental responses. ... Congress has impeachment powers. Impeachment permits the governing body to hold the civil officers responsible for committing transgressions. However, the legislature is not authorized to carry on trials or terminate the civil officers for malfeasance. The upper house has the obligation to conduct the entire trial section of the impeachment and the lower house has the responsibility to conduct the accusation. The congress can exercise the power of impeachment over the executive branch. Andrew Johnson, the 17th President, is an example. He was held accountable by 35 senators and was prosecuted in his office. The United States President, Richard Nixon was held responsible for the Watergate Scandal that took place during 1974. He decided to resign from his presidency instead of experiencing impeachment at the hand of the congress. During 1998, the President of the United States, Bill Clinton became the next president after Nixon to be impeached by the United States Senate. Later on, the Senate found him innocent. President of the United States has the power to represent the state, he is the one who is supposed to meet the heads of other countries and visit other countries and represent United States in other countries. The President is even entitled to executive powers, this allows him to run the nation and control the operations of the federal government. President has the power to accept and reject the bill forwarded to him by the congress; this power is recognized as legislative power. He has the power to appoint different officers for different public positions, his duties even include managing foreign affairs such as dealing with presidents of other nations and he even has the power to take emergency measures if necessarily

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The topic is Young Goldman Brown. discuss the readings. What did you Essay

The topic is Young Goldman Brown. discuss the readings. What did you think of each of the stories Did it have any meaning in your life Is it still relevant today Things you didn't like - Essay Example Goodman seems that he believed in his father and grandfather until he met the elderly man in the forest who could be the devil: the old man claimed that he knew both of them. The old man, however, proves his erroneousness when he asserts that even Faith is corrupted. He seems to trust Faith exceedingly and has to consult with her every time he necessitates anything. Goodman lacks a true religion, and this makes him susceptible to transformations and his faith shaken. Hawthorne, however, believes that the Puritan religion is exceptionally corrupted since most of its followers also have a dark side including the founders- his grandfather and father. Although the activities that occurred in the forest are not evidently stated whether they are real or a dream, Goodman’s life and beliefs will never be the same again since either way he would still be distressed. In today’s societal setting, one has to choose what to believe, but it should not be too distant from the beliefs of others. Young people should not be influenced by their ancestor’s beliefs, and should do what they are contented with; this makes these readings relevant today. The things I did not like is the fact that Goodman had to consult with Faith when he wanted to do anything, showing how he was unable to make his own

Monday, October 14, 2019

Thematic Analysis Of Faerie Queene Literature Essay

Thematic Analysis Of Faerie Queene Literature Essay The earthly human society continues to be faced by various impediments to its existence and continuity. Some of these varied issues include; the reality a bout truth and faith, the unending evils, the confusion of love and the persistence search for purity. It is because of these squabbles that Edmunds Spencers Faerie Queene was written. The book focuses largely on the central theme of holiness and how it can be achieved in the society. Holiness would mean being pure, clean and godly. However it can not exist without evil. According to Wauchope, holiness could be compared to light and evil compared to darkness. Holiness therefore the main drive and urge for any person who wishes to attain the highest faculties in life, truth, faith and love. The work of any writer cannot be clear and complete unless various characters are employed in order to bring out the intended message. As such Spencer has notable characters that have different purpose. Book 1, Cont I, introduces Redcrosse who is the Knight of Holiness that works collaboratively with Una, a beautiful lady who is out to represent truth and faith of a true Christian. It is matter to be noted that for any person who aims to be a true Christian full of holiness, he must have true faith. The religious battles that exist in the world today can be traced back to the christsera. Most of our time is faced by lack of virtue of holiness, persistent evil that threatens the human race specifically occurring as a result of superiority struggles among the major religions of the time. The world known religion catholic is being condemned for not presenting truth to its followers and uses various images that are meant to deceive. The strength of Knight and the lady Una is as a result of boldness, courage and sheer determination to achieve victory by fervently fighting evil and false religion (Faerie Queene II,147-48) . The Roman Empire worked continuously hard to ensure that the whole world remains bound by one religion but however, because of increased awareness and freedom, the England people led a determined rebellion and broke away from Roman Catholic to form a true religion of Protestants and Anglicans. This fierce break-up aggravated evil in the society, where most people were killed for defending their faith. Most Martyrs like Stephen were forced to die because of trying light to bring to the world. The true position for any Christian should be to aim at fighting for righteousness and work towards ensuring that evil does ensue too soon. Every society that tries to advance in holiness still has to face the hurdles of vice. The two elements are parts of the same coin that operate at the extreme ends. Hamilton highlights in his book, that evil will take the slightest opportunity to engulf holiness. Una who is representing truth happens to meet Duessa, who on contrary represents false images that are used to deceive and confuse the faith of Una. She is torn between the devil and deep sea losing when she encounters Duessa.That being a strong religion, Catholic Church still focuses on use of images which carry false meaning. These images could be source of idolatry, which caused the rebellion of the Protestants. Indeed any individual with divine faith and holiness cannot accept to throw away his noble pursuit because victory does not come easily. Fighting evil in the society requires one to stay on course even when it seems tough. This would require surrounding yourself with life performers who have achieved the highest ladder in the fields of faith, character and honour. When Knight Meets Una, a strong bond is developed that help them to remain focused in their mission to achieve holiness and eradicate evil. Therefore when cooperation exists among the members of the society, then notable vices like rape, idolatry and innocent killings cannot continue to escalate further. This is not an individual effort but an integral one which requires positive mindset that Redcrosse is urged to have. Resolved in minde all suddenly to win (Faerie Queene, I.210). Human beings still remain to be the weakest creature that is easily lured into evil. Many a time most people have found themselves on the crossroads, more on the wrong side than on the right side of it, because they were tempted by other people; who because of weaker power for self defence of individual values and virtues had to give into it. Wauchope infer a case where Archimago tries to separate Redcrosse from Una through lust and deception, which he falls into. Once separated he becomes extremely weak making it easy for Duessa to deceive him even more. It is good to note that whenever truth is separated from holiness, confusion ensue as people are lost in faith. Thus in our present times it is essential that we keep good companies and associations that can help us grow in faith ,develop the power to defend our believes, not being easily led astray from truth and fall into the paths of evil by the already fallen. This will help enrich the soul, mind and body which in turn will help to perpetuate holiness in all kind and spheres of life. Evil in our society can only be eliminated only and only if we take collective initiative to set rules that will help lighten our lives than darkening it. Only when truth is adhered to that we can forge a way out to develop standards of morals that every member is expected to follow. There is a great overall evil that threatens mankind, the very basic evil of sin. This is the dragon that Redcrosse defeats at the end of Book 1 of Faerie Queene. This enemy can be dealt with, through reformation in various social institutions like marriage, learning institutions, governing bodies and churches. The Norton Anthology also focuses on best reason as to why we should reform our social, economic and political systems so as to have an all round society. If we restructure our religion, faith and love we will have a true meaning of holiness. Holiness is not complete without love. True love does not lie in being beautiful or gorgeous, but it thrives where there is truth and light in faith. Most young men tend to associate beauty with love, but in really sense, it is not an indicative virtue of love. Courtly love dictates that the excitement and splendour constantly travel with valiant warriors who croon romantic declarations of passions to women and eventually accumulate great respect through epic triumphs in the battles over many years. The Redcrosse knight bridges the gap between mere men and these gallant celebrities and reverses the process of virtue. The virtues of love entail being sincere in heartily devotions and commitment to one another, not in reputation but in character and true integrity. This is the ingredient of love. Jennipher Sinclair, points out that being in love does not necessarily mean sexual and emotional feelings but involves learning how best we should live a virtuous life full of respect, purity and holiness. Respect will involve observing the code of humanity of preserving life and not forming stereotypes that are prejudicial and discriminative in nature. These acts are highly shown by persistent struggle that exist between the Roman Catholics and the Anglican Protestants. When human beings begin to use religion as an instrument to hate rather than love each other, then no major developments can be realised specifically in the areas of holiness. As Nelson Mandela points out that, No one is born hating the other and if a person can learn to hate, then he can be taught to love. Love is the union of all earthly races because all human beings have blood that is red symbolising that we are all equal. The Faerie Queene was intended to teach the young men and women to focus on building a society that is clean and pure in its operations. Being the weakest and most lured into temptations of every soot, they ought to observe good codes of conduct. Young men should posse spotless character and should rise to highest circles of leadership and command. We are also a forewarned about love and appearance because love is not in the beauty, as such, believing in the beauty would deceive and the originality of true love. Only truth and faith can indicate real virtue and meaning of love and struggle hate.Consequentlty we are also encouraged to remain firm in our believes and of life, because modern expectation cannot always be met and fulfilled, and respect through trials other than physical tests, in the long run, holiness prevail over evil and light blinds the dark.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Great Exhibition Building in Dublin Essay -- Architecture History

Dublin 1853 Main Hall This image is a beautiful color lithograph, measuring 25 by 35 inches, which features the main hall of the Great Exhibition Building in Dublin in great detail. The hall was 425 feet in length by 100 in width, and 105 in height. In the back there is a large organ. Displayed high on the walls are flags from different countries. The building is best described by The Illustrated Dublin Exhibition Catalogue, which says: Presenting a front to Merrion-square of 300 feet, the main or centre feature of elevation consists of a semicircular projection, which forms the Eastern termination of the Central Hall. This in a noble apartment of 425 feet in length, and 100 feet in height, covered by a semicircular roof trellis robs, in one span of 100 feet. On each side of the Centre upon trellis ribs, in one span of 100 feet. On each side of the Centre Hall, and running parallel to it for the same length, are two halls 50 feet wide, with domed roofs, similar to that which covers the main nave or hall of the building. The Height from the floor to the roof of each of these halls is 65 feet. They are approached through passages from the Centre Hall. In addition to these three halls are four compartments of 25 feet wide, running the whole length of the building; two are placed between the Centre Hall and the side halls, and two on each side of the latter; divided into sections of 25 feet square, forming convenien t divisions for the purposes of classification. Over these compartments are spacious galleries, also running the length of the building, which not only afford increased space for exhibition, but form an agreeable promenade from whence the effect of the three halls may be seen to greater advantage. To the south ... ...or, which made its splendid halls themselves, examples of an incentives to something higher and grander in design than had before been attained (Sproule). "The Building itself was perhaps the most successful novelty exhibited, both in Art and Manufacture (Sproule)." No information on the fate of the Great Exhibition Building, other than it no longer stands and no attempt was made to rebuild the structure with more permanent materials. Works Cited: Findling, John E., editor, Historical Dictionary of World's Fairs and Expositions, 1851-1988. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. p. 10-11 Ingram, J.S., The Centennial Exposition; Described and Illustrated. St. Louis: Hubbard Bros., 1876. p. 31-33 The Illustrated Dublin Exhibition Catalogue. London: Virtue, 1853. p. v Sproule, John. Irish Industrial Exhibition 1853. London: William S. Orr & Co., 1854. p. 27-41.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Should Quebec (or Other Provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Be

Should Quebec (or other provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect Its Constitutional Rights? In my opinion, all provinces in Canada, including Quebec should not separate. Quebec has been one of the provinces of Canada for a long period of time. Most people in the world view that it is one of the component in Canada. French-Canadian and English-Canadian seem to live together peacefully without conflict, even many people with different cultures and languages come to Canada in recent years. I thick Quebec has no reason to become independence from a multicultural nation. Some people who agree Quebec to separate state that separation can protect their French culture and language. I think it is an unacceptable reason in a multicultural nation. Multicultualism is a special identity of Canada. It allows people to maintain their own culture. If Canada does not have multiculturalism, there will be no Chinatown in most big cities in Canada. So it is not necessary to separate in order to protect French culture and language. Furthermore if French-Canadian wants to avoid any influence from other culture, France is the greatest place for them. Moreover, the Canada government will lose money if Quebec separates by dealing with the separation affairs, like to help people in Quebec back to Canada who do not want to separate. Separation also leads to the decreasing of trade in Canada, and even the whole world. Quebec is a big trade market in Canada. People will lose this big...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Smith Consulting Project

These reviews will bring awareness to the employees that their efforts (or lack of) have not gone unnoticed. They will realize that their performance level is directly proportional to the bonus, so instinctively, employees will strive to do their best in order to maximize the rewards. Encourage employees to further education, or seek professional certifications by offering tuition reimbursement, and bonus or salary perks for successful completion of degrees or certifications. This will let the employee know that the company is willing to invest in him or her, and by extension, he or she is considered an asset.Form an employee relations committee which will plan social activities for employees to take part in. Possible events include: Potluck lunch, Christmas dinner, Charity endeavors (food, clothes, and book drives, etc. ), community cleanups, etc. This is an opportunity for staff members of varied levels to come together and socialize without the constraints of bureaucracy or compan y politics. Clients Engagement Approach can be extended to include the way that a company interacts with its Clients. Similar to the Employee Relationship, the company must find a way to keep Clients happy, and loyal.Failure to do this could result in negative reviews, loss of clients, loss of business, and loss of revenues. The trickle-down effect of this can be disastrous as the company may have to lay off staff in response to decreased income. With this in mind, it is extremely important to maintain good client relations. To achieve this, the company must be mindful to do the following: Obtain clear directives from the client in terms of their expectations. When in doubt, do not hesitate to follow up with the client for clarification. This ensures that both parties are on the same page and prevents miscommunication which can lead to inflict.Always communicate respectively with the client. Always keep an open line of communication. It is extremely frustrating when a client is unab le to contact his or her service provider. Deliver products on time. This fosters reliability and loyalty. Software Development Definition The formal definition of software is a set of written computer interpreted instruction dictating how to process data input and output. The development of software is the process of creating the written set of instructions that meet the requested specification requirements according to customer need.The software development life cycle is the development model to achieve a practical product fitting the description of the specification requirements. The development end-goal is to produce a product that is easily maintainable, productive, and dependable. Methodologies Scrum is the principal software development methodology in practice by Smith Consulting for new software development requests. Scrum is an agile development methodology involving development teams working in unison independent of each other and at the same time interdependent on each te am's work (Tech Target, 2007).The Scrum methodology spawns developmental decisions as a result of active software creation, directing and guiding the development team task to keep on the project timeline and according to specification. The Lean Software Development approach is Smith Consulting secondary software development method in practice. The consideration of the Lean methodology for development is in regard to redevelopment or version upgrade to existing software products. The Lean methodology is a derivative of a project management approach originally developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation (MANS, 2012).The purpose of the Lean approach is to develop a more robust and efficient software product. The development technique is to achieve a reduction in processing overhead. Rework includes removing invaluable features and employing modern coding technique to improve overall program flow. Project Management Project management is a critical function because the prosperity of the e ntire organization depends on it. Since the success of project management depends on the leaders of this company, they should possess a clear business vision that includes IT and business experience.This vision should be established at the ginning of the project and should clarify what is in and outside the scope of the project. The most efficient engagement approach should be one that includes a good line of communication with stakeholders including end-users. These stakeholders should be tasked to show commitment to the project by agreeing to a contract. The project management process should be divided into manageable pieces that are easier to easier to understand and manage. Proper management also includes ensuring the required tools and manpower is available to the teams.The contract should clearly identify who has what responsibility and how they are to be accomplished. Other requirements include: Ensure each process has someone responsible for managing it Identify who is respo nsible for managing costs Identify who and how many analysts and what their functions are Identify contract programmer costs The project will be reviewed on a weekly basis to identify if the company is still on the correct course and if any additional changes or if any previously unknown problems have arrived. Reviews are also a good time to find if any of the key player's ideas have changed and how to approach it if at all.For this project I recommend selecting omen independent of the project to conduct these reviews. Single systems not one-size-fits-all The reason why a single system is not likely to be a one-size-fits-all solution is because you for one have a lot of areas that needs to be addressed. Now, when you look at the legal field in today's world it I becoming increasingly technical-dominated by the availability of technologies that are specific to the legal field as well as the tangible type improvements for both the efficiency and productivity when solutions are impleme nted in many firm's especially law firms.For the firm's broad services you ill have to come up with decisions to purchase and implement specific technologies because it's a heavy part of them all, and the reason for this is because if you choose and well as put in the wrong solutions in place. The work environment will suffer as the staff will also struggle to adapt to the software that is being used, ultimately not taking full advantage of the software or worst case scenario by abandoning the whole system altogether. Another reason why a single system will not likely be a one-size- fits-all is because you will need different systems to be in place like: PracticeManagement Software, and Storing Information and Automation. The biggest reason why a single system is not likely to be a one-size-fits-all is because it will most likely lack the depth of functionality, so by this being said the firm will be looking to find more than one type of solution when it comes down to finding more t han one practice area. One other difference is the level of customization because the one- size-fits-all provides for both front-end as well as back-end but lacks areas and you will need to find a better way to implement everything to work and function properly. Program Specification GuidelinesThis portion of the document should act as a guide for Smith Systems Consulting Software Developers to adhere to closely during the software development phase. This guide will help to streamline the company's way of determining requirements, and incorporating them into the developing program. The uniformed approach will ensure that the same level of care and attention is bestowed on all of Smith Systems Consulting projects – no matter what size or budget. Stakeholders A project's stakeholder is anyone who will be affected by, or who has an interest in the project's progress and execution.Stakeholders in a systems development project usually include (but are not limited to) the project's users, Information Technology department, the affected department(s)'s manager, members of the company's upper management, the chief financial officer (SCOFF), and the company's president. Prior to entering the requirements elicitation phase of the project, it is imperative for the development team to make a list of all stakeholders, as they will play an important role in defining the system's requirements.User Requirements User requirements refer to the unique functionality aspects of a system that are accessory for the user to accomplish his or her Job. In order for the programmer or system developer to fully understand what the resulting program is meant to do, it is important to discuss the functionality details with those who know the operation best – the users. The users will provide in-depth and clear understanding of the inner- workings of the system as well as the crucial tools and functions that are necessary for optimal performance.The development team should be p repared to use various methods to elicit the requirements so that feedback is gathered from all of the users that were nitpicked for the task. Some common methods for gathering requirements are surveys and face to face interviews. Where necessary, the developer should also be prepared to offer an anonymous system to collect requirements in order to protect the identity of the user – should they so desire that mode. The users play a profound role in system development.By offering different avenues for feedback and requirements retrieval the company is maximizing the amount of data it receives and therefore ensuring that all bases are covered in the resulting product. Once the business development plan has been created it is important to consult with the users again. This ensures that the requested functionality and tools are accounted for and helps to prevent any costly misunderstandings in the future. System Security Requirements To describe the security requirements in the c ompany's policy it must first define in detail what data it is expected to handle.This requires working closely with the clients to gain an understanding of the confidentiality and importance of data. Once that is established, and then the types of employees who will have access to certain levels of data should be clearly described in terms of security levels. System Security sting will focus on the following tasks: Sign-on procedures This determines the security of passwords and defines when and how often users are expected to change them. Password reset methods will also be defined in the policy.In addition a method of accessing the system through back-door methods should be described as a means of access in case of an emergency. Database security Access to the database is described here. This highlights which users have access to applicable data and which are designed on a need to know basis. Physical security Here the physical security of the equipment associated with the busine ss to include reward such as workstations and servers are described. Cameras will be installed at strategic locations along with bagged access points to minimize the possibility of the theft of physical property.Third-party tools Establish an understanding with vendors to ensure their continued partnership is dependent on their ability to match our system security standards. Test environment A secure test environment ensures that only required personnel have access to the testing environment. Additionally, a test environment is a safe environment to prepare changes before officially rolling them out to the company as a whole. The yester security of Smith Consulting will require compliance with semi-annual evaluations from an outside source to determine an evaluation of security precautions, procedures, and vulnerabilities.The results of the evaluation are to be maintained along with the policy instruction so that the requirements of future evaluations can be validated against past t ests. Software Platform Compatibility Requirements Software compatibility is an important part of the process of software development. Compatibility is first determined by which operating system(s) the software to be developed will be designed to run on successfully. A determining factor may be what system the company is using now or what the computer they may be using in the future.For example, there may be some issues with Windows XP but the company may be set to release Windows 8 machines as part of the role-out of the new software. In this case it is best to design software compatibility for the Windows 8 machines. The same can be said with servers if the software will be network based. Additionally the company may consider running their services from the cloud. In this case the software compatibility may be no more than ensuring a compatible browser such as Internet Explorer, Firebox or Chrome.Each scenario is different and is precisely one of the reasons why each company will require a customized Software Platform Compatibility Requirement list. Database Application Testing Requirements This section will serve as a generic methodology of Smith Consulting approach to database application testing requirements. The objective is to document a reusable database performance evaluation strategy regardless of database vendor or design specification. Additional testing steps may be applicable per vendor recommendation.Any additional steps are a project plan requirement used in injunction with Smith Consulting guidelines of database verification. The intention of database examination is for conducting a systematic test to validate data structure and data integrity during user software application read write performance testing. Assumptions Database performance testing in conjunction with software application database read write operations assumes the database architecture and structure development is to specification and logically designed.An additional assumption is the development of indexes, views, triggers, stored procedures, and functions exist and the database is available for software unit testing. Data Mapping Data mapping is a validation process to ensure end-user data entry form fields correspond with the mapped database table fields. The expected result of the verification of the retrieved data from application input must be consistent with the outlined data model from the database data dictionary. The only acceptable result will prove data writes to the designated table or tables and is congruent with format, length, and type of the data definition.Stress Testing The purpose of stress testing a database is to understand the performance and reliability during heavy user interaction. Performing a high volume stress test assessment is essential to uncover database bottlenecks resulting in long response times and slow performance. A stress load is performed by simulation of a designated number of application users. The load variance selection shall simulate, according to project specification, the average number of end-users, below average number of end-users, slightly above average number of end-users, and five times the average number of end-users.The load simulation will create scenarios where users concurrently query against and write to the same table and numerous tables across he database. Result failure requires documentation and further evaluation for database optimization. Failure also warrants a hardware design team consultation to determine if the hardware is sufficient to handle the transaction load simulation. Transaction Isolation Transaction isolation verification tests the database reaction during the occurrence of multiple table transactions taking place at the same time. A realistic situation exists where various read write requests will be present concurrently.While the scenario is unavoidable in a multi-user environment the state of the database is at risk during a existing read write reques t. The performance outcome ought to appear as though each database demand executes one right after the other. Depending on the applied transaction isolation level, record locks are set in accordance with the transaction call (Microsoft SQL Server, 2012). The importance of testing transaction isolation validates read and write record locking, how long the locks are held, and the on-screen response time of the simultaneous operations.The transaction isolation testing is a sub-set testing situation of the database load testing. Isolation result documentation hall include the number of transactions, the response time of the transaction, and note the accuracy of the data read write. Data integrity errors must be reported to the database design team as well as the software design team for evaluation. Required submission includes the detailed steps of the data integrity inaccuracy for reproduction of the error.Budgetary Constraints Testing is the most widely used approach to ensure softwar e quality but it also can be the most cost and time-consuming. To ensure the project for Smith Consulting stays in the green for budget concerns the project is scheduled with strict deadlines. Some cost overruns are normal for any project but the goal is to minimize the impact. Wars to accomplish these goals include defining clearly the responsibility of everyone involved with the project with clear methods of holding them accountable for their parts. Setting a financial goal is the best method to maintain a budget constraint.The project budget estimate should be accurately documented for management and the estimate should include when and how to handle costs associated with manpower in the event more help is required. The project statement should include a scope that is clearly defined in the beginning of the project. In situations where budget cuts may affect the ability to complete the project, managers should always start with physical resources before staff cuts. In more dire s ituations (where personnel are at risk) the standard remedy is to fill necessary positions with staff covering other potions to fill in until the financial situation has recovered.This design will ensure the impact on the project for the customer is minimal and will also prove our procedures are detailed. Software Testing To qualify new software for production the development team performs a multitude of readiness tests. Qualified software must pass the following tests: Integration, Compatibility, Functionality, Usability, Security, Load/Stress, Documentation, Implementation, Automation, Support, and, Debugging. The following sections will highlight the various testing methods that Smith Systems Consulting uses to ensure product reliability and competency.Performance Testing Meeting the needs of a company and client is a performance requirement of software engineering. Performance testing is a routine performance evaluation that determines how the system will behave. The behavior co rresponds with the terms of responsiveness along with execution stability under a system initiated workload. One major thing that performance testing can serve well in is to measure, validate, investigate, or even verify all other attributes that are set up within the system such as: the reliability, resource usage, and scalability.To monitor the system's performance, it is important to perform the steps that are highlighted in the following sections. Integration Testing While software is generally produced to perform specific Job functions, it is important and efficiency encouraging to incorporate integration with other applications. For example, an accounting information system would benefit from company database integration, as well as Microsoft Excel and Adobe Acrobat report saving integrations. Lately, it has become commonplace for programs to include software integrations as they incorporate the Software Oriented Architecture platform.With this in mind, it is extremely importa nt for the development team to iron out the integration kinks before the software is released. To ensure that product integrations are functioning properly, the program testers have to: Identify all of the integrated programs and software Determine the associated version numbers that the program is being tested on. For ACH integration, perform in-depth testing. If the integration is not working well, the tester will have to troubleshoot, and possibly contact the product team of the integrated product or service.When the integration is working properly, the version number should be noted. When the program is released to the public, the integrated programs' version numbers that the program has passed the integration tests for should be displayed within its documentation as verification of compliance. Compatibility Testing Within an organization, there are many different platforms and software at use. In order for the company to be successful, all of the information systems must be abl e to communicate with their respective devices.The company's architecture must be built so that this wide web of services, and products are working in tandem with each other, and are able to co-exist in an unobtrusive manner. Ensuring this prevents software incompatibility issues, which can prove to be very costly. As an example, if an organization is only using Microsoft Windows devices, it would not make sense to purchase Office for MAC or other proprietary Apple software that do not integrate with the Microsoft Windows platform.Similarly, if a seer wanted to use the Microsoft Skydive feature which allows them to connect to a remote PC, they will be unhappy to learn that Microsoft Windows 8. 1 does not support this. Performing compatibility testing showcases the limitations of the software and allows the programmer to compile a list of programs and versions which works with the system. Compatibility testing involves: Determining the software that the program is required to maintai n compatibility with. Performing thorough compatibility testing.If the system is found to be incompatible with the software already in place at the organization, the programmer just reevaluate, troubleshoot, and redo the section in question to make sire, Once the software is deemed compatible, the version numbers must be noted for inclusion in the project description documentation. Usability Testing One important factor when running an analysis on a potential client for Smith Systems Consulting is usability. Usability, by definition, are asking the questions is this â€Å"capable of being used† or is it â€Å"convenient and practicable for use† (Usable, 2014).Each organization that SC approaches will answer this question differently. What one company deems as an important and commonly used featured may be impolitely ignored by the next. This is why usability is so important. Another way of looking at usability is trimming the fat. If a company doesn't need certain feat ures than it really should be noted as not needing to be produced. This cuts down on production times and overall costs to the client making a more efficient project in the end.Functionality Testing To follow up with this of course it must be determined what is to be used most commonly and ensure that this is how the client envisioned. What is most important is that organization Smith Systems Consulting is working with feels they are getting apt attention and one certain way to do that is make the client feel as though they've been listened to in the usability and functionality fields. Functionality is defined as â€Å"the particular use or set of uses for which something is designed† (Functionality, 2014).In this notion it is clear that functionality is heavily tied to usability. How something is used is in relation to how it is designed. When Smith Systems Consulting designs their products it is important to keep the user and usability in mind. These are both best accomplis hed by performing speaking with users who will e using the product – especially those who may assist in any beta testing. If the end users and stakeholders provide a clear vision then the project should be nothing less than a success when the developers attain that goal.Load/Stress Testing Each organization that Smith System Consulting will be working with will have their own unique technology environment they will be operating in. The more that SC knows of these environments the more they can consider potential benefits or weakness that can be considered. Once these have been considered then a test environment can be established. What makes a good test environment is running the intended software in mock environment, ideally on a system with near identical computer specs. This would include running on the same operating system and using the same amount of RAM, processing power, and hard drive utilization.Once these parameters have been set then a server / client test can be run – ideally in a virtual environment. Once the program is operating on the network with an average number of computers connected and using the software then it can be fair to say this running a load test – that is a test within normal operating parameters. To fully stress the system would be to mimic running the network at high capacity. This may include either a high number of concurrently connected users or the server carry a high load of responsibilities, such as sharing heavy SQL queries in addition to the software testing.Debugging Debugger or debugging tool is a computer created software program that allows the programmer to test as well as debug other types of programs. Therefore, with debugging the software plays a major factor because when a program is debugged, the programmer will find errors such as missing coding areas when creating the program. For example imagine that a developer created a weeping and he or she wanted to place a picture on it but wonder ed why the picture wouldn't display. Debugging the program can assist the developer with diagnosing and fixing the problem that is causing the program to malfunction.This goes to show that having a debugger is a worth tool for correcting programming errors. Software Security Assessment The purpose of a software security assessment is to identify and expel code vulnerabilities prior to customer delivery. Identifying the presence of a code-layer exposed vulnerability is a fundamental action for conforming to a high standard. A good quality assurance model involves proactive steps to extinguish security flaws. Smith Consulting must guarantee the customer a secure product release and reduce the risk of threat exploitation via a thorough security testing regiment.Definition Software Security Assessment refers to testing criteria to establish threat resistant software. Testing shall demonstrate the software's ability to withstand the attempts of infiltration with mall-intentions. Strategy Examination and assessment validate the absence of typical security errors exposing subjection to threat according to the Common Weakness Enumeration (The MITER Corporation, 2011). Black Box Testing The black box testing strategy involves the use of a testing group with no working knowledge of the software code structure, engineering, or implementation plan (Michael, Van Wok, & Radicchio, 2005).Black box testers employ hostile approach to penetrate an application's security to identify bounds unknown during OSDL design and implementation phases. White Box Testing The white box testing strategy involves an orderly one-to-one validation source code is according to design specification and expected security components exist. The key preference from the black box testing is the assessor possesses an intimate knowledge of application code and construction (Mono, No Date). Analysis scans source code for common development faults identified from the Common Weakness Enumeration.The tester also keeps a lookout for seemingly harmless routines that can act as a back door for intrusion. Authentication Testing Authentication testing is a method of determining if a process or end-user is legitimate. The objective is to understand how the authentication process behaves and use that information to circumnavigate the authentication mechanism. Types of authentication tests are as follows: 1 User Enumeration – a brute force test using a valid user credential to determine if uncovering the authenticating password is possible (SPAS, 2012). Dictionary Testing – a method for determining common words found in a dictionary exist in a user passers (SPAS, 2012). 3 Password Recovery – the method to test the authenticity of a password reset or forgotten password request (SPAS, 2012). 4 Race Condition Testing – identification of multiple processes executing simultaneously that modify the same data (SPAS, 2012). Documentation A good method of documenting process es in Smith Consulting products is to mirror the practices of life-cycle management tools that are in compliance with the Serbians-Cooley Act.A sound business in today's environment should focus their efforts on automation development and documentation processes. Smith Consulting documentation procedures will involve in audit process that will identify who has accessed code and what changes have been made. The documentation process will also include the ability to track what testing and assurance of quality has occurred during the construction of the project. In addition, the procedures will also include the ability to change parts of an existing project that have been determined to fall out of the scope of the goal of the business vision.The idea behind aligning documentation testing procedures with the described Act is to yield rewards such as rework reduction by automating change management aspects of programming within a project (Heavenliest, 2006). In doing so, the replacement of old paper-based software development tools with change management and code-management tools that allow Smith Consulting to monitor change request within the software development process by attaching electronic signatures to the software. This further alps the rework elimination process by verifying that the documentation changes in line with the goals of the business.The different documentation types are listed as: Source Code Unit Test Report Software Test Procedure (provides instruction on how to test each component of a project) Code Explanation Report Implementation At times, in the implementation of test procedures it may become necessary to perform target testing to prove critical functions and reduce the risk of large amounts of rework. Prior to the testing of each unit the developer is required to update the test procedure for conducting each test and record the results as scribed in the documentation procedure.In situation where more tests are required they will be compl eted as needed in order to satisfy those implementation requirements. Developers are required to implement and test development projects in accordance with coding standards and methods outline in the Software Engineering Manual. All unit test results are maintained in the Unit Test Report. Automation The automation method requires that the development framework is separate from the test automation tools. The framework as designed is flexible enough to adapt to changes that the environment or the project may bring.The purpose of utilizing this method is because it is low costing. Implementing the test automation is a full- time effort that requires significant time and up-front investment. Automated tests are scheduled at 1,250, every other day. The only change to the automation procedure is if there is an unforeseen change to the business requirement that suggests a change should be made. Since automation is such an exhaustive task, it is reserved for projects on an enterprise level that expect multiple releases. The approach that Smith Consulting will use for its development projects is Test